CURATOR. Vilallonga: dibuixos símbols i signes, Museu Casa de la paraula, Santa Coloma de Farners, Spain, March 28 – July 19, 2015
CURATOR. Looking Sideways: Roland Penrose and Surrealism, Picasso Foundation, Málaga, Spain, October 23, 2008 – January 30, 2009, Tenerife Espacio de las Artes (TEA), Santa Cruz de Tenerife, February 6 – May 24, 2009
CURATOR. Lee Miller – Evocaciones, photography exhibition, Picasso Foundation, Málaga, Spain, October 3, 2008 – February 15, 2009.
CURATOR. Lee Miller: Picasso in Private, photography and painting exhibition, Picasso Museum, Barcelona, Spain, May 31, 2007 – September 16, 2007.
EXHIBITION CONSULTANT. Barcelona & Modernity: Gaudi-Picasso-Dali”, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, March-June, 2007.
CONTRIBUTING CURATOR. Thy Brother’s Keeper, photography exhibition on global justice organized by The Alternative Museum, NYC in collaboration with the Flint Institute of the Arts, April 22 – July 30, 2006.
CURATOR. Heartpaths: Prints by Jim Jacob, linocut exhibition, Ethnological Museum, Barcelona, Spain, July 2002 – April 2003.
PARTICIPATING CURATOR. Glossalgia, exhibition opened at the Hellenic-American Union and the Frissiras Museum, Athens, Greece, March, 2001.
CURATOR AND TOUR COORDINATOR. Pa d’Àngel, group exhibition of 55 international artists, premiered at Galeria Article 26, Barcelona, Spain, in December, 1998; toured to Hellenic American Union, Athens, Greece, February, 2000 and Syracuse, New York, January, 2001.
CURATOR. Alex Harris: Islands in Time, photography exhibition, Institut Valencià d’Art Modern (IVAM) , Valencia, Spain, September, 2000.
COORDINATOR AND CURATOR. Con Sentimiento desde Nuevo México, three US exhibitions, premiered at the Museo de América, Madrid, Spain, September, 2000 , with additional venues in Spain and Andorra in 2001 and 2002.
CURATOR. Vilallonga: Poetic Symbolism from Barcelona, retrospective exhibition, Los Angeles, California, Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza, May – August, 2000.
CURATOR. Miguel Gandert: Mestizajes de Nuevo México, exhibition organized for the Barcelona photography biennial, Primavera Fotogràfica, Galeria Article 26, Barcelona, Spain, April – May, 2000.
CURATOR AND TOUR COORDINATOR. Cutting Edge: Linocuts of Jim Jacob, print exhibition, Institut Franco-Americain, Rennes, France, January, 1999 and toured to the Hellenic American Union in Athens, Greece in February-March, 1999. www.unm.edu/~jjacob/pages/essay.html
TOUR COORDINATOR AND CO-CURATOR. Passing Shots: Betty Hahn, Institut d’Estudis Nord-americans/Primavera Fotogràfica, April-May, 1998 and toured to the Roman Temple in Vic, Spain, May-June, 1999. Contributing Curator: Diana Gaston, Museum of Photograhic Arts, San Diego.
CURATOR AND TOUR COORDINATOR. Imaginary Library: Design Bindings and Sculptural Books by Pamela Moore, Institut d’Estudis Nord-americans, Barcelona, April-May, 1997, toured to the Hellenic American Union in Athens, Greece, May, 1997, Temple Romà, Vic, ,Spain, June-July, 1997, Institut Franco-Americain, Rennes, France, Dec.-Jan., 1998, and Caja de Ahorros del Mediterraneo, Valencia, Spain, June-July, 1999. www.liberinto.com