Katherine Slusher

Doctor in Art History, Cum Laude, 2014
Universitat de Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain
Master of Arts in Museum Studies, 1994 – Terminal Degree
Syracuse University
Syracuse, New York
Bachelors of Science in Education, 1978 – with Distinction
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Professional Experience
2008-2015 | UNIVERSITY LECTURER | University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Professor and coordinator (2015) of art history courses related to exhibitions or themes in art for the Unversitat de Barcelona’s summer intensive courses held during the month of July.
2003 to 2009 | AUTHOR & CURATOR | Lee Miller Archives/The Penrose Collection, East Sussex, UK
Wrote dual biography, Lee Miller and Roland Penrose: The Green Memories of Desire (Prestel Publishers, 2007). Research and development of exhibitions drawn from the Lee Miller Archives and the Roland Penrose Collection. Exhibitions include photographs of Picasso by Lee Miller, Picasso Museum, Barcelona, Spain (2007), and selected works on paper and paintings by Roland Penrose and his Surrealist colleagues, Picasso Foundation, Málaga, Spain (2008) and Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Canary Islands, Spain (2009)..
2000 to 2004 | VISUAL ARTS PROGRAM DIRECTOR | Syracuse University, Barcelona, Spain
Designed and developed the Barcelona summer university program for Syracuse Visual and Performing Arts graduate and undergraduate students. Duties included coordinating partnerships with local Barcelona universities, art schools and city officials, hiring art professors and developing course content.
Developed the ground work for a Barcelona campus and full time academic year university program for Syracuse University’s Division of International Programs Abroad. Set up meetings for visiting directors and staff members, negotiated classroom rental space, identified local course offerings for the College of Arts and Sciences, Visual and Performng Arts, and the School of Management.
1999 to 2001 | UNIVERSITY SITE COORDINATOR | Boston College, Barcelona, Spain
Served as a liaison to Boston College for university exchange students, organized weekly cultural activities in and around Barcelona as well as trips to Madrid, Sevilla, and Canary Islands. Offered housing and individual advisement.
1994 to 1999 | DIRECTOR OF CULTURAL PROGRAMS | Institute of North American Studies, Barcelona, Spain
Implemented international traveling exhibition network in Europe, curated exhibitions, circulated performing arts and visual arts throughout Spain. Organized lecture series and specialized tours on the arts for visiting professionals. Developed internship programs for American and Spanish university students in Barcelona.
Worked in expanding and developing all areas of cultural programming for the Institute of North American Studies, a nationally recognized private, not-for-profit cultural organization. Regularly coordinated activities with the Barcelona City government, the Autonomous Government of Catalunya, the US Consulate’s Office in Barcelona and the University of Barcelona.
1994 | COLLECTIONS RESEARCH DEPARTMENT | The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.
Research grant to revise and update the information for the museum collection using the personal archives of Duncan Phillips for the Summary Catalogue.
1993 to 1994 | INTERNATIONAL FELLOW | National Endowment for the Arts, Washington,D.C.
Worked for the International Program of the NEA under the directorship of Jane Alexander. Developed numerous proposals and initiatives for cultural exchange between the US and Spain.
1993 | RESEARCHER, DEPARTMENT OF MODERN PRINTS & DRAWINGS | The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Wrote and researched the Exhibition History for the catalogue raisonné of Roy Lichtenstein’s major print exhibition held at the NGA. Worked on upcoming exhibitions including Milton Avery and Gemini G.E.L graphic artists.
Published Books, Articles, Exhibition Catalogues & Reviews
Man Ray: Printmaker, exhibition brochure, Francis Naumann Fine Art, New York, 2013.
David Goldblatt speaks with Katherine Slusher: Conversations with Photographers, Madrid: La Fábrica, (editions in English and Spanish), 2011.
MemyselfandI. Photo Portraits of Picasso, Cologne: Ludwig Museum, (editions in English, German, and Spanish), 2011.
David Douglas Duncan: Journeys to the Muslim World 1946-1956, The Ransom Edition, Austin: Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas, Fall, 2010.
Looking Sideways: Roland Penrose and Surrealism, exhibition publication, Fundación Picasso, Málaga & Tenerife Espacio de las Artes (English and Spanish, 239 pp.), 2008.
Lee Miller: Evocation and Memory, exhibition catalogue, Fundación Picasso,Málaga (English and Spanish,142 pp.), 2008.
Lee Miller and Roland Penrose: The Green Memories of Desire. Munich, Berlin, London, New York: Prestel, 2007.
Lee Miller: Picasso in Private, exhibition catalogue, Institut de Cultura de Barcelona & Museu Picasso, Barcelona (editions in English, Spanish & Catalan,199 pp.), 2007.
“Lee Miller and Surrealism”, Lee Miller, exhibition catalogue, Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa Foundation, Bilbao, Spain, 2006.
Alex Harris: Islands in Time, curator/author, Valencia Institute of Modern Art (IVAM), (240 pp.),Valencia, Spain, 2000.
“Alex Harris: illes en el temps”, El Contemporani, Editorial Afers, Centre d’Estudis Històrics Internacionals, University of Barcelona, July-December, 2001.
Vilallonga: Poetic Symbolism from Barcelona, curator/ publication author, Los Angeles Thousand Oaks Center, California, 2000.
ARTnews, Spanish art exhibition reviews, May, 1999.
Cutting Edge: Linocuts by Jim Jacob, curator/author, exhibition catalogue, Barcelona, 1998 and Madrid, 2000.
“Vilallonga, un simbolista entre l’esperit i la matèria”, El Contemporani, Editorial Afers, Centre d’Estudis Històrics Internacionals, University of Barcelona July-Dec. 1997.
Imaginary Library: Design Bindings and Sculptural Books by Pamela Moore, curator/author, exhibition catalogue, Barcelona, 1997.
International Art Guide, co-author, National Endowment for the Arts, Washington DC, 1994.
The Prints of Roy Lichtenstein: A Catalogue Raisonné 1948-1993, co-author of exhibition history, Washington DC: Hudson Hills Press and National Gallery of Art, 1994.
Contemporary Spanish Photography, ed. Betty Hahn. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1985. “Spanish Photography Today: A Historical Overview” by Joan Fontcuberta (translation with Nancy Morris).
Curated Exhibitions & Programs
Curator. Vilallonga: dibuixos símbols i signes, Museu Casa de la paraula, Santa Coloma de Farners, Spain, March 28 – July 19, 2015
Curator. Looking Sideways: Roland Penrose and Surrealism , Tenerife Espacio del Arte, Tenerife, Canary Islands, February 6 – April 19, 2009 and the Picasso Foundation, Málaga, Spain, October 23, 2008 – January 25, 2009.
Curator. Lee Miller: Evocation and Memory, Fundación Picasso, Málaga, October 2, 2008-Januaryy 15, 2009.
Curator. Lee Miller: Picasso in Private, Picasso Museum, Barcelona, Spain, May 31-September 17, 2007
Exhibition Consultant. Barcelona! Gaudi-Picasso-Dali, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, March 6 – June 3, 2007
Guest Curator. Thy Brother’s Keeper, photography exhibition organized by the Alternative Museum, NYC, and Flint Institute of the Arts, April 2006.
Curator. Heartpaths: Prints by Jim Jacob, linocut exhibition, Museu Etnològic, Barcelona, Spain, July 2002 – April 2003.
Participating Curator. Glossalgia, Hellenic-American Union and the Frissiras Museum, Athens, Greece, March, 2001.
Curator and Tour Coordinator. Pa d’Àngel, group exhibition of 55 international artists, opened at Article 26, Barcelona in December, 1998; toured to Hellenic American Union, Athens, Greece, February, 2000 and Lowe Art Gallery, Syracuse University, New York, January, 2001.
Curator. Alex Harris: Islands in Time, photography exhibition, IVAM-Valencia Institute of Modern Art, Valencia, Spain, September, 2000.
Curator. Vilallonga: Poetic Symbolism from Barcelona, retrospective exhibition, Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza, Los Angeles, California, May – August, 2000.
Curator and Tour Coordinator. Cutting Edge: Linocuts of Jim Jacob, Institut Franco-Americain, Rennes, France, January, 1999 and Hellenic American Union in Athens, Greece in February-March, 1999.
Tour Coordinator and Co-Curator. Passing Shots: A Travel Series by Betty Hahn, photography exhibition,Institut d’Estudis Nord-americans-Primavera Fotogràfica, April-May, 1998 and Roman Temple, Vic, May-June, 1999.
Curator and Tour Coordinator. Imaginary Library: Design Bindings and Sculptural Books by Pamela Moore, Institut d’Estudis Nord-americans, Barcelona, April-May, 1997; the Hellenic American Union in Athens, Greece, May, 1997; Roman Temple, Vic, Spain, June-July, 1997; Institut Franco-Americain, Rennes, France, Dec.-Jan., 1998; and Caja de Ahorros del Mediterraneo, Valencia, Spain, June-July, 1999.
Exhibition Installation and Design. Collaborations: Artists and Printers, Lithographs from Tamarind Institute, October-November, 1996.
Lectures & Panels
Guest Lecturer for Lecture Series organized by La Virreina i Fundació Foto Colectània, Moments fascinants de la fotografia, Una història en imatges, “La nova visió: el període d’entreguerres (de Man Ray a Germaine Krull)”, La Virreina, Barcelona, October, 2013.
Guest Lecturer at numerous universities in the United States, including Haverford College, Pennsylvania; Michigan State University, Lansing; Temple University, Philadelphia; Syracuse University, New York; and Boston College, Massachusetts, 2008-2012.
Lecturer and Panelist, VICTORIA & ALBERT MUSEUM, the Quintessential Lee Miller Symposium, Through the Looking Glass: Reflections of Lee Miller, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK, December 7, 2007.
Symposium and Panel Moderator, PICASSO MUSEUM, Lee Miller: Picasso in Private, Barcelona, Spain, June, 13, 2007.
Panel Discussion, Collaborations between International Curators, ORACLE, Florence, Italy, November 10, 2005.
Lecturer, ETHNOLOGICAL MUSEUM, Traditional and Contemporary Art in New Mexico and Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, April 11, 2002.
Gallery Talk, SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, Pa d’Angel / Angel’s Host traveling exhibition, Lowe Art Gallery, Syracuse, New York, January 24, 2001.
Lecturer, II Congrés International de la Llengua Catalana, Ateneu Barcelonès, 1984.
Fellowships, Grants & Awards
Harry Ransom Center Research Fellowship, University of Texas, Austin, 2009
National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, 1993
Visual and Performing Arts Assistantship, Syracuse University, 1992
European Conference for International Binational Centers, Izmir, Turkey, 1992
International Binational Cultural Center Directors Conference, Washington, DC,
(Spain, Greece, Morocco, Turkey, Portugal, Thailand, Indonesia and Pakistan) 1987
Languages and Nationality
Trilingal (English, Catalan and Spanish)
French (spoken)
Three years Modern Greek
European and U.S. Citizenship